After retiring from full-time
employment earlier this year and successfully completing a computer
programming training course at the O'Reilly School of Technology I've decided to pick up my genealogy
research where I left off a couple of years ago. This 'kills several
birds with one stone', it means I can use my technical writing skills
to communicate via this blog, it means I can put my web design
skills to use developing, maintaining and operating the
website whilst at the same time continuing my personal research and adding data to the archive.
As part of this re-focus of activity I
decided to refresh the web site which is beginning to show its age,
wasn't delivering on its design goals and which could well do with
some of my relatively recently learned design skills courtesy of The
Open University.
In 2008 when the site was developed
three original design goals were:
- To promote the genealogy project and recruit volunteers to contribute time and effort
- An entry point for the webtrees application
- An entry point for the 'Rellie Finder' - data-grid application.
Performance against the first design
goal was disastrous, in two years not a single volunteer was
recruited. The second and third goals are only required if the first
is successfully achieved. Webtrees is designed to act as it's own
entry point and promotion of use of the data-grid is not a primary
purpose of the exercise.
In 2013 / 2014 it is time to implement
a site to better meet those goals with an appreciation of two further
- Genealogists generally don't like to let data out of their direct control and let it be hosted by other people.
- There is a general dis-trust in putting data up on Internet, the fear is that it will be compromised or downloaded and sold.
I intend to return to these issues in
later blog articles when the subjects of succession planning and
collaborative projects are addressed
- the following text is technical IT 'speak' and as such may cause
damage to health
I thought it was worthwhile sharing
some of the technical issues that have arisen and the conclusions
reached. The new site is not yet completed as I write this, but
sufficient is in place to describe what will be live over the next
few days.
The original site was fairly
conventional – a simple horizontal menu near the top of each page
with four, single level options and four more links laid out as vertical
blocks down the right-hand side. Terms of
use, contact details and a privacy policy appeared at the bottom of
each page with the area between header and footer left for variable
amounts of text. There was no attempt to limit the amount of text on
an individual page meaning that a users had to scroll to access
hidden text and the footer. The site predated both the HTML5 and CSS
movements and it delivered static information, but used
Javascript to generate Google Analytics. The 'engine' of the site was
a single page which acted as a customised entry point to the webtrees
genealogy package and also as an entry point to a to a PHP driven
data-grid of BMD records I had transcribed.
I decided that the menu system was
inappropriate, and overkill for a very small site with four pages and
a few hyperlinks, that had little or no potential to grow and wasn't
likely to experience high traffic levels. I figured that the menu's
could be replaced by standalone buttons and the hyperlinks
rationalised to provide a rudimentary help system.
In the medium term I plan to stop using
Google Analytics to record traffic, rather to use post-processing of
the raw logs maintained by my hosting provider. This means I can
strip all the Javascript code out of my pages and avoid the tracking
and third party cookie issues which be-devil my privacy policies. I
personally believe that Javascript will go the same way as Adobe
Flash, in a similar timescale, but development of that argument is
for another day.
I looked at a couple of responsive
design frameworks – Bootstrap 3 from Twitter and Foundation from
Zurb and whilst they have attractions their prime focus is on mobile
and cross platform development and the 'code bloat' and steep
learning curve they both bring is not a good trade-off in my
position. In fact I've gone away from Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 as my web coding
tool of preference, again I think it is overkill for a small site – I've hand-crafted the code using the Sublime 3 text editor from Sublime Pty and the good old
Chrome browser
Undoubtably the most contentious
decision (and one I could end up regretting, and having to do an
'about face' ) has been to adopt an HTML5 / CSS3 only coding standard
without degraded support for non-compliant browsers. I can't imagine there are many people out there, even genealogists, still browsing on Microsoft XP - but I guess I'm about to find out !!
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